Tent Fabric

PVC Tent Material

  • Type of base fabric
  • Yarn size: 1000D*1000D
  • Yarn construction in warp-weft
  • Base fabric weight
  • PVC weight: 395g/m²
  • Total weight: 480g/m²
  • Fabric thickness
  • Tensile strength – Warp
  • Tensile strength – Weft
  • Tear strength – Warp
  • Tear strength – Weft
  • Cold resistance

Type of base fabric

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 2076
480g: High tenacity Polyester
580g: High tenacity Polyester

Yarn size

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 7211
480g: 1000D*1000D
580g: 1000D*1000D

Yarn construction in warp-weft

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 4602
480g: 9thread/in x 9thread/in
580g: 9 x 9

Base fabric weight

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 2286-2
480g: 85g/m²
580g: 85g/m²

PVC weight

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 2286-2
480g: 395g/m²
580g: 495g/m²

Total weight

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 2286-2
480g: 480g/m²
580g: 580g/m²

Fabric thickness

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 2286-3
480g: 0.4mm
580g: 0.45mm

Tensile strength – Warp

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 1421
480g: 1200N/cm
580g: 1200N/cm

Tensile strength – Weft

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 1421
480g: 1100N/cm
580g: 1100N/cm

Tear strength – Warp

Standards/Test Method: DIN 53363
480g: 120N
580g: 120N

Tear strength – Weft

Standards/Test Method: DIN 53363
480g: 100N
580g: 100N

Cold resistance

Standards/Test Method: Internal Test
480g: -30C
580g: -30C

Heat resistance

Standards/Test Method: Internal Test
480g: 70C
580g: 70C

Flame retardancy

Standards/Test Method: Yes
480g: Yes
580g: Yes

Anti mildew

Standards/Test Method: Yes
480g: Yes
580g: Yes

Light fastness

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 105B-02
480g: 6
580g: 6


Standards/Test Method: Yes
480g: Yes
580g: Yes

Water resistance

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 811
480g: Impermeabile Waterproof
580g: Impermeabile Waterproof

Welding adhesion

Standards/Test Method: EN-ISO 2411 70
480g: 70
580g: 70


Standards/Test Method: /
480g: UV resistance
580g: UV resistance